An Extraordinary General Meeting has been called for Wednesday 8 July, 6 pm in the NSC Bowls Hall.
To cover the business intended for the 2020 AGM, namely…
- Welcome address
- Apologies
- Message from NSC Manager
- Minutes of the 2019 AGM
- Matters arising
- Treasurer’s Annual Report
- Matters arising
- Appointment of Auditor
- President’s Annual Report
- Presentation of League Trophies
- Annual Subscriptions
- Affiliation to the International Indoor Bowls Council
- Election of officers:-
- President – Win Kewley willing to re-stand
- Treasurer – Bernice McGreal willing to re-stand
- Secretary – Dee Lewis willing to re-stand
- Fixtures Officer – Tony Dugdale willing to re-stand
- Press Officer – Norman Kneen willing to re-stand
- Website Manager – Paula Garrett willing to re-stand
- Safeguarding Office – David Quirk willing to re-stand
- IIBC reps
- Motions:
The Committee proposes several revisions to the Constitution to bring it up to date and fit for purpose:
- 3 – Reference to World Indoor Bowls Council to be replaced by ‘World Bowls’.
- 4 – Insertion of the word ‘league’ to clarify which members are required to hold an annual contract with the NSC.
- 6 – Safeguarding Officer and Website Manager added to Committee Roles along with a requirement that the Committee should number 7 in case any of the roles are combined in the future.
- 6a – A requirement that the roles of President, Treasurer and Secretary should always be undertaken by 3 separate individuals to ensure good governance.
- 6e – The levels of Honoraria to be proposed and approved at each AGM.
- 13 – The AGM notice should be posted ‘at least’ 28 days in advance.
- 14 – Any motions for the AGM to be submitted by ‘the date shown on the AGM notice’.
- 15 – Replacement of WIBC with ‘IIBC’ and insertion of ‘up to’ £200 travel cost donation in line with receipts provided.
- General – re-numbering.
Proposed by Dee Lewis; Seconded by Win Kewley.
- Any other business – to include discussion and indications of interest in the following:
- The introduction of a Singles Qualifying Competition at the start of the season to select our playing representatives for the World Indoor Bowls Championships since the venue for this event is now to be alternated between Australia and England.
- The amalgamation of the current three Pairs Leagues into two and the introduction of a Friday morning Pairs League and a Friday evening Singles League.
- The appointment of an Island Games Selection Panel.