- The Association shall be called “The Isle of Man Indoor Bowling Association” hereafter called the Association.
The Association is affiliated as an Associate Member of Lawn Bowls Isle of Man (LBIOM), the National
Authority for Lawn Bowls on the Isle of Man, which in turn is affiliated to World Bowls. - The object of the Association shall be to organise league matches, knockout competitions and individual competitions for members of the Association, and to promote the sport of indoor bowling.
- All games and competitions shall be played under the Laws of Lawn Bowls as approved by World Bowls.
- Leagues:
- All players must be registered with the Association.
- All league teams must be registered with the Association.
- Officials and committee members elected at the Annual General Meeting shall govern the Association. This committee shall be responsible for the day to day running of the Association.
- The committee shall consist of a Chairman (who shall be President), Secretary, Treasurer, Fixtures/Competition Officer, Press/Publicity Officer, Safeguarding Officer plus other members as necessary to make the number up to 7 elected at the Annual General Meeting.
- The roles of President, Treasurer and Secretary must be performed by three individuals.
- Each member of the committee shall have a role to play to ensure the smooth running of the Association.
- The President shall preside over the AGM and present an annual report to the membership.
- Should a member of the committee resign or fail to carry out his/her responsibilities the remaining members of the committee shall appoint a replacement or alternate who shall continue until the next AGM.
- Honoraria may be paid to Committee Members in amounts to be proposed and agreed by the members at each AGM for the following year.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by requisition and signed by the representation of seven full members.
- The funds of the Association shall be paid into a bank to the credit of the Isle of Man Indoor Bowling Association.
- All cheques to be signed by any two of three from the President, Treasure or Secretary.
- All telephone / internet banking transactions carried out to require the prior written approval of any two of three from the President, Treasurer or Secretary.
- All payments by Debit Card to require the prior written approval of at least two of three from the President, Treasurer or Secretary.
- Four members of the committee shall form a quorum.
- The financial year shall end not less than 28 days before the AGM and an account showing the receipts and expenditure shall be presented to the AGM.
- The AGM shall take place within seven weeks from the end of the season.
- The level of subscriptions shall be reviewed and set annually at a Committee Meeting held no later than 31st August within parameters set at that year’s AGM.
- A notice of the A.G.M. is to be posted at least 28 days before being held.
- Any notice of Motion must be submitted in writing to the Secretary by the date shown on the AGM notice.