Annual General Meeting 2019 Agenda

Annual General Meeting 2019 Agenda

This year’s AGM will take place in the NSC Bowls Hall on Friday 29th March 2019 at 6.30pm. The agenda is as follows:

  1. Welcome address
  2. Apologies
  3. Update from NSC Manager
  4. Minutes of the 2018 AGM
  5. Matters arising
  6. Treasurer’s Annual Report
  7. Matters arising
  8. Appointment of Auditor
  9. President’s Annual Report
  10. Presentation of League Trophies
  11. Annual Subscriptions
  12. Affiliation to the International Indoor Bowls Council
  13. Election of officers:-
    1. President – Win Kewley willing to re-stand
    2. Treasurer – vacant
    3. Secretary – vacant
    4. Fixtures Officer – Tony Dugdale willing to re-stand
    5. Press Officer – Norman Kneen willing to re-stand
    6. Website Manager – Paula Garrett willing to re-stand
    7. Committee Member – David Quirk willing to re-stand
    8. IIBC reps
  14. Proposed new rules
  15. Motions:
    That Association members who represent the Isle of Man at International Indoor or World Bowls or Disability Bowls or Crown Green Bowls approved competitions are allowed to rearrange any league matches which occur during the competition timeframe, up to a maximum of 2 rearranged matches within a season, if they are unable to field a substitute for the league.

Rationale :

    • In the spirit of fairness throughout the sport of bowls and to raise the profile of bowling in the Isle of Man we should encourage and support bowlers selected to represent the Isle of Man both nationally and internationally.
    • World Indoor Bowls Council has affiliated to World Bowls and changed its name to International Indoor Bowls Council and forged closer links between the two organisations for the overall benefit of the sport of bowls.
    • Indoor Bowling Associations in the U.K. and internationally allow members to reschedule games when representing their country in Indoor /Lawn Bowls /Disability Bowls/Short Mat/Crown Green Bowls competitions and, by maintaining our current stance of only allowing rescheduling for International  Indoor events, we are damaging the reputation of the Isle of Man Indoor Bowling Association.

Proposer : Win Kewley
Seconder : Pam Makin 

  1. Any other business

IOMIBA AGM – 12 April 2018 Agenda

The Isle of Man Indoor Bowling Association’s Annual General Meeting will take place at the NSC Bowls Hall on Thursday 12 April 2018, at 7pm

The 2018 Agenda is as follows:

  1. Welcome address
  2. Apologies
  3. Appointment of meeting Chairman
  4. Minutes of the 2017 AGM
  5. Matters arising
  6. Treasurer’s annual report
  7. Matters arising
  8. President’s annual report
  9. Address from NSC management
  10. Annual subscriptions
  11. Affiliation to World Indoor Bowls Council
  12. Election of Officers:-
    • President – vacant
    • Treasurer – vacant
    • Secretary
    • Fixtures Officer
    • Press Officer
    • Committee Members (2)
    • Website Manager
  1. Motions (5)
  2. Any Other Business.
  3. Chairman to close meeting.