IOMIBA League Rules

IOMIBA League Rules 2019-20

Download a copy of the rules here

1.The Committee shall have the power to decide any matters not provided in these rules.
2.The leagues shall consist of a number of teams composed of a minimum of three (3) players or more for Team Matches and two (2) or more for Pairs Matches. All teams must register their squad with IOMIBA prior to the first game of the season. Once a player has played three times for a Team they are restricted to that Team, however they may change to another Team if they have played less than three games in the Team they are registered with. Players may only change Teams once a season.
3.Day league matches will commence at 10.00 am.Evening league matches shall commence at 6.30 pm.
4.The names of the players must be registered by the skip of each team.  League players must be fully paid up members of the Indoor Bowling Association and current NSC contract holders.
5.All participating players must be registered 10 minutes before the start of the match with their names entered on the score sheet for each game.  A registered player may be changed up until the start of the game if the player has been delayed by events beyond their control.
6.Team MatchesMatches will consist of three games played in the following order:-

One game of Singles (duration 10 ends).  Four woods each.

One game of Pairs (duration 8 ends).  Four woods each player.

One game of Triples (duration 8 ends).  Three woods each player.

The winners of each game shall be awarded two points, with one point each for a draw.

Each team match has six points at stake.

The order of play may be changed in exceptional circumstances but only by mutual consent of both Team Captains and there must be a minimum of two players with the Team at all times.

The “HOME” team is responsible for providing a marker at the scoreboard end for  Singles Games and the Away Team for the placement of the Jack etc at the other end.

A minimum of two registered players from each team MUST be present prior to the start of a match, one of whom must be registered to play the singles game. All registered players must be present before the start of the pairs game.

If no players from a team are present 10 minutes prior to the start of a match then the opposing team will be awarded a match win, gaining 2 points and 10 shots for each unplayed game.

If a team is present with only one registered player for the start of a match that team is deemed to have lost both the triples and pairs games and the opposing team will be awarded the game win, gaining 2 points and 10 shots for each unplayed game. The player present can, however, continue to play the singles game. The latter only applies if the games are running in the usual order and the order has not been changed due to exceptional circumstances.

7.Pairs MatchesEach match shall be played over two sets, each set consisting of 7 ends. Four woods each player.

The winner of a set will be the pair with the highest number of shots when the seventh end is completed. If the shot scores are tied after the seventh end of a set, the set will be a draw.

The winners of each set shall be awarded two points, with one point each for a draw.  Each pairs match has 4 points at stake.

If a team is absent or with only one registered player present at the start time of a match that team will be deemed to have lost the match and the opposing team will be awarded the match win, gaining 4 points and 14 shots.

8.SubstitutesA member, once having played three times for a team, is restricted to that team in the same league.  However, players may act as substitute for a team in a HIGHER league, but subject to normal subs rule. Players may not substitute for another team in the same league and may not play at any time as substitute for a team in a LOWER league. Players may only act as Substitute for any Team on a maximum of two occasions. A player who does not play in the leagues may play as a substitute in a league, subject to the above.

Any Player acting as a Substitute may not play Singles or act as Skip.

9.Result sheets to be signed by both Skips and handed in to the Committee member on duty at the end of matches.
10.Rinks used for matches shall be as indicated on the League Fixture List.
11.At the start of a match the away team to have the Jack.
12.Inspecting the head:  The skip may visit the head once per end before the delivery of the last wood.
13.PracticeA player or a team due to meet a player or team who has previously played on the same day may practice:-

(a)  Provided there is time available

(b)  A lane is available other than the lane the player or team has been drawn to play on.

(c)  May be allowed for a team with a bye notwithstanding that the team or player may have already played on the same green on the same day.  The Fixture Secretary or Committee Member shall allocate lanes.

(d)  If two players or teams are entitled to practice they may practice together.

14.DisputesIf a dispute arises in a game, the two Skips will make a decision in accordance with the latest edition of the World Bowls rules book.  If a decision cannot be agreed and a qualified umpire is present, he or she will decide.  If no umpire is present the end shall be played again.  A letter may be sent to the Committee by either Skip within three days of the dispute arising providing details of the incident. This will be considered by the Committee and if required a local rule issued to cover in the event of a future repeat of the incident.
15.Match SchedulesAll matches will be played in accordance with the fixture list on the date and rink specified thereon.

The ONLY exception to the above rule is in the event of a player(s) being chosen to represent the Isle of Man at national or international level at an IIBC event, then that player may apply to the committee for permission to rearrange any team or pairs league match(es) which is scheduled during the time the player(s) is off island at the designated IIBC competition.

In the event of the player representing the island in an U25s event, this exception will extend to his/her travelling companion should that person also play in the same team or pairs that the representative is registered with.

It will remain the responsibility of the team captains to agree any re-scheduled dates, in any event all games must be completed by the last playing date published for the affected league.

16.Promotion and RelegationMonday            Pairs  – Premier Division

Tuesday           Pairs  – 1st Division

Wednesday     Team – Premier Division

Thursday         Team – 1st Division

Friday               Pairs  – 2nd Division

All leagues shall operate on a 1 up and 1 down basis with the Champions being promoted and the bottom team being relegated.

17.All electronic devices (i.e. mobile phones, pagers, cameras etc.) must be either switched off or on “silent” mode.  Players are not permitted to receive or make calls or texts whilst playing a game.  If a call or text is either received or made, the game/set currently being played will be awarded to the other team, with 10 chalks and 2 points.
18.On the first playing dates for each league copies of the IOMIBA League Rules and Fixture Schedules will be available to team captains.
19.Each team captain to receive a list of all league captains showing contact details on request via the secretary.

For more information on the World Bowls Laws of the sport and to download a copy of the Crystal Mark Third Edition click on the link.

Members are reminded that the NSC is a totally NO SMOKING facility and that ban extends to the use of e-cigarettes.