TinJo shock Spinners in First Division Pairs

This week in the Copyshop Indoors Bowls League saw a shock in the First Division Pairs when second placed Spinners lost their first game of the night to one of the seasons new teams TinJo. The TinJo pairing of Joanne Kelly and Tina Hampson have suffered one or two heavy defeats this season but have kept smiling and are now rapidly improving so they thoroughly deserved their first win of season in the first game but Spinners fought back to win the second game making it a 2-2 draw. In the remaining matches How Much? and Castletown Crofters drew 2-2 and Ramsey Wallys beat TOU 3-1. This means that Ramsey Wallys lead on 24 points followed by Spinners on 18 points and Castletown Crofters on 17 points.

The Premier Pairs saw the Officials lose 0-4 to Dragons, Ramsey Raiders and Young Guns drew 2-2 and Tee Pegs beat Villa Boys 4-0. The remaining game saw Blues Brothers snatch defeat from the brink of victory in the second game when Edward Carlyle mistakenly thought Villans were holding shot in the last game and struck only to take out his own bowl which in fact was holding shot and making it a 2-2 draw. Dragons still hold the lead with 24 points followed by Cheesemakers on 19 points and Tee Pegs with 16 points.

In the Friday Afternoon Pairs we saw top placed OK beat Em and Bee 4-0, Dragons beat Rejects also 4-0 and  High Jacks and Sunset Rollers drew 2-2. This means that OK still lead on 24 points followed by Dragons on 22 points with Rejects third on 17 points.

The Premier Teams saw Birdies lose 2-4 to Villans, Cheesemakers draw 3-3 with Bay City Bowlers and Ramsey Raiders beat Saltire 4-2. The remaining game saw Dragons beat Ramsey Wallys 4-2 which means that Cheesemakers lead with 34 points followed by Ramsey Wallys on 31 points and Dragons on 29 points.

In the First Division Teams leaders Spinners lost 4-2 to OK, Maxums lost 5-1 to Optimists and Castletown Crofters lost 4-2 to Odd Balls giving the latter team their first win of the season. Despite their defeat Spinners are still top with 27 points with Optimists second on 25 points and OK third with 24 points.

The Tuesday Morning Teams saw Castletown Crofters lose 6-0 to Villans and Jacks On A Roll lost 2-4 to Dragons. Ramsey Raiders beat Hillbillies 4-2, Onchan Royals beat Thru the Gap 6-0 and Early Birds lost 0-6 to Maxums. In first place we still have Villans on 39 points followed by Dragons on 36 points and Onchan Royals on 35 points.

In the Singles League we had just three games played Gordon Wynne-Smythe just losing 9-8 to Muriel Cain, Mike Moyer and Marilyn Ellison drawing 13-13 and Rob Matthews beating Dee Lewis 16-8. This means that Muriel Cain maintains top spot with 19 points followed by John Kewley on 15 points and Rob Matthews third on 13 points.