After only the third week of the Indoor Bowls Season three teams have already built up a clear lead over the rest of the field in the Premier Team Event. On last Wednesday those at the Bowls Rink at the NSC saw some great bowling and at the end of the night we saw QPR take the lead having already achieved a maximum eighteen points followed by Villans on sixteen and Dragons on fourteen. They were then followed by three teams all on six points which is an incredible gap at this early point of the season.
In the First Division Teams we have Maxums in the lead with thirteen points closely followed by DNA, also on the same points total. Although these two teams are looking strong, I still expect Mann Utd and Castletown Crofters ‘to be breathing down their necks’ as the season progresses.
In the Tuesday morning league Villans have built up an early six-point lead over Maxums and Ellan Vannin, but this is a very competitive league and much could happen before the end of the season.
In the Premier Pairs we saw Cheesemakers take the league lead followed by Young Guns both having earned eleven points and we then have Dragons on eight points and Likely Lads on seven. If pushed at this stage of the season I would now say Cheesemakers have to be firm favourites to end at the top but there are some very skilful bowlers in all these teams who will be doing their best to prove me wrong.
In the First Division Pairs we have my early favourites Castletown Crofters and Enigma in first and second place and playing really excellent bowls, but Terriers can’t be ruled out as they following closely behind and could well be in the mix later in the season.
The Second Division Pairs is proving really successful this year and is proving to be very competitive. In this league we have Reckless Rollers in the lead on twelve points followed by Odd’s and Bobs 2 on ten points with Corrin’s Folly in third place having gained a total of eight points.