Singles matches:
2 sets of 9 – the final will be played as 2 sets of 11
Pairs matches:
10 ends – the final will be played TBA
Triples matches:
12 ends – the final will be played over 14 ends
In the event of a tie after two sets, a one end tie break will take place. A toss will be made for the jack. The winner of the toss can elect to keep or give away the jack.
Club Championship Rules
- No competitor shall practice within 3 hours of the start of the competition.
- Players must be in the bowls hall 15 minutes before the start of their match.
- Draw for lanes will take place at 6.15pm for matches starting at 6.30pm.
- A toss will take place to determine who wins the jack. The player winning the toss can elect to keep or give away the jack.
- All players may have a two-wood, two-end practice at the start of each match.
- Any touchers must be marked with spray chalk only.
- All measures will be conducted by an independent measurer.
- The umpire’s decision is final.
- Named players only to compete. Substitutions can only be made in exceptional circumstances and with the approval of the committee. If a substitute is used, he/she cannot play skip and the absentee player cannot be reinstated.
- To enable the matches to remain on schedule all players shall maintain a reasonable pace of play.
- Players may only inspect the head once during each end prior to playing their last bowl of the end.